Heartbeat - School Anxiety
Language anxiety has gained researchers interest for a long time. This interest is an outcome of the high effect of anxiety in classroom on students’ comprehension and understanding when students feel stress, doubt, fear, apprehension, low confidence, and negative feelings when they are required to use the language. Accordingly, the level of achievement and success in the language is affected sharply by the level of anxiety. Students with a high level of anxiety will suffers in taking tests or when they in place of evaluation; this feeling will hinder their ability to do well, even if they studied and prepared for the tests. They may freeze and their minds go blank.
In addition, the classrooms’ environment should be clear of any provoking
situations of anxiety. The classrooms should be friendly and non-judgmental environments.
Teachers can benefit from programs such as English Central in understanding and knowing how to avoid creating such a negative feeling in their students. English Central is a blog which students and teachers use in the learning and teaching process; it gives teachers ideas and tools can be applied in the classroom to create secure and free of any stressful situation could make learners anxious. (“Foreign Language anxiety”). Speaking practice, for instance, in the blog is a free and beneficial practice and teachers can guide their students to practice by using it; moreover, they can make students record the speaking at home, where they are comfortable, and then they can grade students speaking. Furthermore, the encouraging articles and thoughts in this blog inspire teachers.
Many teachers apply these ideas and they report surprising results; that is, their students become less anxious and more confident in their abilities because they had the opportunities to practice English outside the classroom until they become ready, especially, in speaking in front of their peers. Unlike traditional classroom, in English practice, their students feel more control and have the power in their learning process, which increases their self-esteem and their perception of themselves. Further, to have a closer connection to students and to recognize anxious students, teachers can use the foreign language anxiety scale (Horwitx, 1986) to assess the level of anxiety that their students have. It is important to give this scale to the students in their first language to avoid any misconception. This scale is provided in different languages in the blog.
Foreign language anxiety. (February 17, 2013). English Central. Retrieved on March 17,2013, from
Horwitz, E. K. (1986). Foreign language classroom anxiety. The Modern Language Journal, 70 (2),
(2009, Aug 19). Healthbeat-School Anxiety. podcast. Retrieved from http://www.youtube.com/watch?
(2009, Jun 23). Anxiety in the classroom-Video presation of survey Results. Retrieved from
(2009, Aug 19). Healthbeat-School Anxiety. podcast. Retrieved from http://www.youtube.com/watch?
(2009, Jun 23). Anxiety in the classroom-Video presation of survey Results. Retrieved from